Relief for patients who cannot afford Heart Bypass Surgery

Don’t Fear 
Heart disease is common due to bad life style. There are a large, increasing number of patients who have persistent angina symptoms, who have already had the standard treatment of stent or Heart Bypass Surgery, for revascularization but still remain severely restricted.

Non-surgical heart treatments like External Counter-pulsation (ECP / EECP), Artery Clearance Therapy (ACT), Chelation Therapy and Ozone Therapy have an important role to play especially when the blockages are in multiple sites and a patient is advised Double Bypass Surgery or even Triple Bypass Surgery.  

Also like in India most patients cannot afford the Bypass Surgery Cost in poverty stricken developing countries having Low-Income, Lower-Middle-Income and Upper-Middle-Income Economies such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sri-Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, and Uganda.

In all such cases External Counter-pulsation (ECP / EECP) is done at Sibia Medical Centre, Ludhiana to stimulate the openings or formation of collaterals (small branches of blood vessels) to create a natural bypass around narrowed or blocked arteries.

Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) is performed as a non-invasive treatment to lower the number and intensity of angina episodes. Treatment is administered through four pairs of external inflatable cuffs that are applied around the lower legs, upper legs, buttocks and upper arms. These cuffs continuously inflate and deflate between the resting period of the heartbeat and increase blood returned to the heart.

You are an ideal candidate for EECP is if you have chronic stable angina, are not receiving adequate relief from angina by taking nitrates or do not qualify as a candidate for invasive procedures (bypass surgery, angioplasty, or stenting).

External Counter pulsation (EECP/ECP) Therapy is included in the latest Guidelines External Counter pulsation (EECP/ECP) Therapy is included in the latest Guidelines for evaluation and management of not only coronary artery disease but also cerebral collateral circulation in is chaemic stroke.

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